Geometry and poetry | lam siong onn

17 SEP - 8 NOV 2015


Following the 2013 twenty-year retrospective on Lam’s oeuvre in prints in “Lyrical Journey”, Lam Siong Onn returns this time with an exclusive series of original watercolour works of the cityscapes of Hong Kong.

Balancing a wide spectrum of translucent tones with a masterful precision in composing each image, Lam’s technical facility in the medium is a brilliant reflection of the cultural diversity and ever-changing façade of this cosmopolitan city.

From glimpses into Central District’s bustling pace to Victoria Peak’s panoramic scenery, or peaceful boats anchored at the marina, Lam transforms bits and pieces of daily phenomena, often neglected impressions of everyday life that fall prey to mundanity and are gradually taken for granted in our buzzing urban lifestyle, into intricate interactions of geometrical relationships and juxtapositions.  

By shedding light onto the innate beauty of the city of Hong Kong, Lam invites viewers to take a closer look at their surroundings and reflect on the aesthetic revelations represented by seemingly ordinary aspects of modern life.

Lam takes a traditional medium to create evocative, poetic and geometrical abstract compositions that firmly ground his work in both technical and conceptual dexterity.